2021 SENIORKALLIKalli, You bring so much JOY to our lives! We know you will continue to change the world with your kind heart and smile. Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE if you keep God first in your life. Enjoy every moment!!!! Love you loads, Mom and Dad Kalli describes...
Senior Girl
2021 senior – ella
2021 SENIORELLAInterrupting the Senior Letters for this opportunity to show you just how beautiful studio portraits are! I know, I know... you hear the word 'Studio' and you imagine a whole series of images of your parents in wicker chairs with tacky backgrounds and...
2020 senior – lindsey
2020 SENIOR LINDSEYLindsey, We are so lucky and blessed that God chose us to be your parents. It has been an honor to have a front row seat and watch you grow from dreams of being Cinderella to the beautiful young lady you have grown to be. Those that truly know you...
2020 senior – sydney
2020 SENIOR SYDNEYSydney, While senior year may not be ending in the way you anticipated back in August, we still celebrate YOU and all of your accomplishments! We are so proud of the beautiful, artistic, caring, and determined young woman you have become. We can't...
2020 senior – julia
2020 SENIOR JULIAJulia, You came into this world during an uncertain time in our country and you are graduating during an uncertain time as well. Fortunately, from the time you were quite young Dad and I could see you were going to have the inner strength,...
2020 senior – sydney
2020 SENIOR SYDNEYSydney, What a year it has been for you! So much adversity and unmet expectations that it seems fitting to close this chapter of your life and not look back. However, I do believe that you have grown and learned so much about yourself and others....
2020 senior – madysn
2020 SENIOR MADYSNMaddy, Where has the time gone? It sounds cliche but I can still see you as a bright-eyed little girl with your Strawberry Shortcake backpack heading into kindergarten; new friends to meet and new challenges to tackle. Along the way, you encountered...
2020 senior – kate
2020 SENIOR KATEFrom the day you were born I knew that you were going to be a fabulous gift that your dad and I got to witness coming into this world. You were stubborn and did not want to enter this world on my terms but on your own (one week over my due date). That...
2020 senior – savana
2020 SENIOR SAVANASavana, your dad and I knew the second you were born that you were going to be someone amazing and special. The glow of your skin, the shine in your eyes and the gleam of your smile were captivating. You have never ceased to amaze us with your...
2020 senior – allison
2020 SENIOR ALLISONAlly,I have so many emotions running through my mind when thinking of your upcoming graduation. When you had your photo session with Jennifer, I remarked then that you can finally see the beautiful and talented girl I see every day through the...
2020 senior – zoey
2020 SENIOR ZOEYTo my intelligent, strong, beautiful, insightful, compassionate, gregarious and social-minded daughter, Zoey – you make me proud every single day. You had my heart from the moment I knew of your existence. You literally changed my entire outlook on the...
2020 senior – kate
2020 SENIOR KATEKate, While it’s so hard for me to believe that you’ll be graduating in just a few short months, I see a young lady that’s ready to take on the world! I look at these senior pictures of yours and it’s obvious how beautiful you are!! But what pictures...
Looking for someone specific?
After 10+ years of capturing portraits, I can count on one hand the number of times someone has said ‘I LOVE to be photographed!’ ONE. HAND. Letting someone photograph you can be a pretty vulnerable thing. And making my subjects feel comfortable is always my number one priority. We ALL have something we don’t love about ourselves, and we ALL are our OWN worst critic. It’s my job to guide you through these concerns to create a portrait that leaves you feeling sincere, inspired and confident!