2023 SENIOREMMAEmma, Hope you're as proud of yourself for all of your accomplishments as we are of you. Stay bold, stay brave, stay silly, stay sweet, stay fierce, and most importantly, stay you! You are beautiful on the inside and out. Love,Mom & EricEmma...
Senior Girl
2023 senior – addie
2023 SENIORADDIEAddison, It is hard to believe that in just a few short weeks you will be graduating. It has been a blessing watching you grow into the independent, confident, and fun-loving person you are. You love with your whole heart, find joy in everything you...
2023 senior – carly
2023 SENIORCARLYOur sweet Carly Jane, where has time gone?!? We thank God each day for the gift of you and the sweetness & joy you have brought to our family, even in the midst of all your brothers! From the moment you were born with your cute little button nose...
2023 senior – grace
2023 SENIORGRACEGracie girl -Dad and I couldn’t be more proud of you and all that you have accomplished this year! Finishing high school early so you could take on Esthetics school with a “I can and I will” attitude was amazing! You killed it!!! We are so excited to...
2023 senior – emily
2023 SENIOREMILYDearest Emily, From before the time you were born, God had a plan for you. What a precious gift it has been to be your parents and watch your personality and talents unfold and grow over the years. Your happy and generous smile became your trademark...
2023 senior – allie
2023 SENIORALLIEDear Allie, Words could never do justice to how incredibly proud we are of what you’ve accomplished and how excited we are for what’s to come. You are thoughtful and kind. You are hardworking and dedicated to being the best version of you. You are...
2023 senior – maecyn
2023 SENIORMAECYNMaecyn, I have no idea how it's possible that you are preparing to graduate from high school. Somehow, the past eighteen years have flown by. I know that what lies ahead seems scary and overwhelming at times but, trust me, you are SO ready for this...
2023 senior – hailey
2023 SENIORHAILEYDear Hailey, We can't believe the high school chapter of your life is coming to an end. When people told us the days are long but the years are short, we didn't believe them. We believe them now. We wonder where all the time has gone. This is your...
2023 senior – addy
2023 SENIORADDYDear Addy, How is it possible that we are busy doing all things related to senior year and graduating when we were just picking out which bow you should wear in your hair for kindergarten pictures? Time has simply flown by in a heartbeat but we have...
2023 senior – lainey
2023 SENIORLAINEYLainey Grace, It's hard to believe we are nearing the end of your senior year! We have loved watching you all these years as you have grown into the most beautiful young woman both inside and out. We are so proud of your big heart and your loyalty to...
2023 senior – anna
2023 SENIORANNAOur Dearest Anna, How can it be time for you to graduate already? What an incredible blessing you have been to raise. We have so enjoyed watching you grow into the confident, fun-loving, God-fearing woman you are. Since you were born, we always knew you...
2023 senior – alli
2023 SENIORALLICongratulations Alli Girl! We are so incredibly proud of all that you have accomplished and will accomplish academically and athletically as you continue your journey at Nebraska Wesleyan University. We have watched in amazement as you have grown and...
Looking for someone specific?
After 10+ years of capturing portraits, I can count on one hand the number of times someone has said ‘I LOVE to be photographed!’ ONE. HAND. Letting someone photograph you can be a pretty vulnerable thing. And making my subjects feel comfortable is always my number one priority. We ALL have something we don’t love about ourselves, and we ALL are our OWN worst critic. It’s my job to guide you through these concerns to create a portrait that leaves you feeling sincere, inspired and confident!